
How you can get there

Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE) is located in Lungo Dora Siena n.100 and you can get there by bus:

- From Stazione Porta Nuova using bus 68 (direction: CAFASSO) to CAMPUS LUIGI EINAUDI bus stop.

- From Stazione Porta Susa using  Metro line (direction: LINGOTTO) to Stazione Porta Nuova and from Stazione Porta nuova to Campus Luigi Einaudi using bus 68 (see above)

- From the Airport Sandro Pertini Caselle (Turin) using bus SADEM (ticket-cost 6.50-7.50 euro) you can get to Stazione Porta Nuova or Stazione Porta Susa (see above). 


Map 1 : Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE) and the city

Registration takes place at the AULA MAGNA (meeting room in the building D2 - see Map 2) 


Map 2 : L'Aula magna (Meeting room) is in the Building D2


The campus and the main entrance in Lungo Dora Siena 100

Campus 2

Map 3 : The campus and the main entrance (Lungo Dora Siena n°100)

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